What's New at NICU Cheer

Snuggle Hearts help parents and baby stay connected when they're separated due to a NICU stay through the power of scent bonding. A parent wears one heart down their top to pick up their scent & the other is placed on, under or near their baby in their NICU cot & they are then swapped back and forth so that parent & baby can always smell each other even when apart.
The Snuggle Hearts are very simple to make even with the most basic sewing skills and can be done by hand or machine. If you'd like to sew and donate some hearts please click below for the 1 page template ♥️ We also have a private Facebook group just for those sewing Snuggle Hearts for NICU Cheer.
You can find it at: www.facebook.com/groups/1146471515781230/

ONLINE GIFT-REGISTRY: We have many gifts in our online registry starting from just $1AUD that can be donated to cheer up a NICU family's day. Most urgently need are the books and snacks. Please see our gift-registry here: www.thankfulregistry.com/nicucheer
VIA PAYPAL: Money can be donated to NICU Cheer through PayPal whether you have a Paypal account of not by clicking here.