DONATIONS NEEDED PLEASE FOR EASTER & MOTHER'S DAY I’ll soon be putting together & donating 500 NICU Cheer gift-bags to families who have a premature/sick baby(ies) in the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) over Easter & for Mother's Day too. We donate to all 5 major hospitals with a tertiary level NICU ie the smallest & sickest babies.
I have added a heap of bunny books, Mother's Day books, the bags we need to label and pack into and the $1 candles jars to our online registry at www.thankfulregistry.com/nicucheer for anyone who wants to help out - items can also be dropped directly into the donations bin at our home in Watsonia north DM for addy. I've already secured a beautiful donation of toiletries from the superstars at Pinchapoo and the amazing volunteers who sew NICU Cheer Snuggle Hearts for us are already busily sewing bunny ones for the babies....just need this other items now & it will be time to pack!